Do you grind your teeth at night? Chances are, you probably would say, “No.” However, you may be surprised to hear Dr. Jon Erickson at Danville Family Dentistry say you do. That’s because many Hendricks County adults aren’t even aware that they clench and grind their teeth at night. But Dr. Erickson can tell if you have bruxism, or teeth grinding, by your signs and symptoms, and he may recommend you wear a night guard to bed.
Teeth grinding is a common dental problem. You may or may not be aware you’re doing it. Your teeth grinding may be a new habit, or you may have been grinding your teeth your whole life. Often, your signs and symptoms are what bring you in to see a dentist.
If you’re experiencing any of the following signs, it’s time to see Dr. Erickson at our Hendricks County office to determine if you need a night guard:

You wake up with teeth pain, jaw pain or soreness, facial soreness, or earaches.

Teeth grinding can put stress and strain on your jaw muscles, making them inflamed. In the morning, your jaw may hurt and feel stiff. Your teeth or face may ache. Your pain can make it difficult for you to open your mouth or chew. You may also experience clicking or popping when you talk or chew. Bruxism can also cause earaches, tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in your ears), and hearing loss in one or both ears.

You wake up with a headache.

If you wake up with frequent headaches, you may be grinding your teeth at night. These headaches can be mild or intense. Typically, your pain will be centered around the sides and back of your head. These types of headaches are caused by the pressure on your jaws while grinding.

You have visible signs of tooth wear.

Your teeth can only withstand so much stress and strain. Persistent grinding will wear down your tooth enamel and expose your teeth to sensitivity. When you look in a mirror, you may notice:

  • Your front teeth look shorter.
  • Your teeth have cracks in them.
  • Your molars look flat on top.
  • Your molars have little pits in them.
  • You’ve chipped a tooth but can’t remember how it happened.

Someone tells you that your grind your teeth at night.

Your teeth grinding is so loud, it wakes up your significant other, family member, or friend, who tells you about it.

A Night Guard Can Stop Teeth Grinding

If you have signs and symptoms of teeth grinding, visit Danville Family Dentistry, located in Hendricks County. Dr. Erickson will examine your teeth and determine what’s causing your bruxism and recommend treatment options. One thing you can do, is to wear a night guard – a mouth guard that you wear over your teeth at night to prevent them from grinding together. While a night guard won’t cure bruxism, it will protect your teeth from the grinding forces.
Stop putting up with jaw pain and other symptoms from your teeth grinding habit, contact Danville Family Dentistry today to prevent further damage to your smile.
Disclaimer: The information included in this article is for educational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.