Stay Healthy: Senior Oral Health and Nutrition

Stay Healthy: Senior Oral Health and Nutrition

Senior oral health is vital because it’s directly connected to overall health. Gum disease or other oral conditions in older adults often lead to: Heart attack Stroke Alzheimer’s Pneumonia Diabetes Back, knee, and neck pain Headaches and migraines Nerves and...
Why Should You Care About Overbite?

Why Should You Care About Overbite?

An overbite is a misalignment of the teeth, or malocclusion so that the upper front teeth protrude out beyond the lower teeth. While a small overbite is necessary for a proper bite, it shouldn’t overlap too far. A snug fit between the upper teeth and the lower teeth...
What’s the Big Deal About Tongue Scraping?

What’s the Big Deal About Tongue Scraping?

You might have heard your dentist mention that you should brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once. In fact, you probably remember your dentist saying this for as long as you’ve been seeing the dentist! A lesser-known hygienic habit that helps...
The Delicious Truth About Chewing Gum

The Delicious Truth About Chewing Gum

Chewing gum has been around in one form or another since ancient civilization. In Sweden, scientists discovered 9,000-year-old birch bark tar with the dental impressions of both children and adults. Ancient Greeks chewed mastic over 2,000 years ago, and Native...
Yikes! Gum Disease, Gingivitis, Periodontitis, Now What?

Yikes! Gum Disease, Gingivitis, Periodontitis, Now What?

Everyone’s mouth is full of bacteria. Consequently, we need to brush twice daily and floss to remove it or we set the stage for gum disease. If the bacterial is allowed to build up, it will create a sticky film on the teeth. In the long run, that film can cause plaque...