Many Hendricks County folks want to have teeth that are sparkling white. However, their teeth have become stained over time due to aging, food and beverage stains, tobacco stains, or dental diseases. Therefore, they may decide to have a teeth whitening treatment done at Danville Family Dentistry. But, afterwards, they may wonder, “How can I keep my teeth white? I don’t want them to get discolored again.”
We can understand how you would want to keep your smile as bright as possible. Teeth whitening treatment can take years off your appearance and boost your confidence. But, unfortunately, teeth whitening treatments are not permanent. The results will fade eventually. However, there are some things you can do to help keep your teeth as white as possible after a teeth whitening treatment.

  1. Practice Excellent Oral Hygiene. Daily brushing and flossing can help keep your teeth clean, healthy, and stain-free. Brush after breakfast and before going to bed at the very minimum. Make sure to use a fluoride toothpaste to protect your teeth against tooth decay.
  2. Use Dentist Recommended Teeth Whitening Products. There are a variety of daily at-home whitening toothpastes, gels and other treatments to help you maintain a whiter smile. Talk to Dr. Jon Erickson about the at-home teeth whitening products he recommends.
  3. Avoid Foods and Drinks that Stain Teeth. Following a teeth whitening treatment, it’s recommended that you limit any foods and drinks that may stain your teeth. Some staining foods and drinks include blueberries, blackberries, pomegranates, spices like turmeric and curry, soy sauce, coffee, tea, and red wine. If you can’t give up your favorite foods, at the very least, rinse your mouth with water after consuming them to reduce their effects. Or, when drinking staining beverages, use a straw to limit their exposure to your teeth.
  4. Quit Using Tobacco Products. We recommend that patients don’t smoke or chew tobacco at least 48 hours after a teeth whitening treatment. Why not take this opportunity to kick the habit? Otherwise, once you resume using these tobacco products, they will begin to stain your teeth again.
  5. See Us for Regular Dental Cleanings. While a professional dental cleaning doesn’t have the same whitening effects as a teeth whitening treatment, a dental cleaning will remove surface stains that yellow your teeth. Plus, a dental cleaning preps your teeth if you decide to have another teeth whitening treatment.
  6. Touch-Up Your Teeth. Unfortunately, over time, your teeth will become stained again. When your smile isn’t as bright as you would like it to be, visit Danville Family Dentistry for an additional teeth whitening treatment to get your pearly whites dazzling again.

Get Your Teeth Whitened in Hendricks County Today! 

Whether you want to brighten your smile for an upcoming special event or just for every day, contact Danville Family Dentistry’s Hendricks County office at 317-745-4400 to schedule an appointment. Dr. Erickson will examine your teeth and discuss the best teeth whitening treatment for your smile and budget. Plus, Danville Family Dentistry offers other cosmetic dentistry services that can transform your smile.
Get the celebrity smile you’ve always wanted!
Disclaimer: The information included in this article is for educational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.